How to Install

These steps require Windows Administrative permissions on the computer

  1. Download

  2. Delete the existing Launcher.exe from Updox installed directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Updox or C:\Program Files\Updox for older machines)

  3. Copy downloaded Launcher.exe to Updox installed directory

  4. Run (double-click) new Launcher.exe and confirm Updox application successfully loads

Troubleshooting Tips

Windows protected your PC Error

If you see an error like below, click the “More Info”

Then click “Run anyway”

Error 404 on Launch of Updox

If you complete the steps and still see this error:

This can happen if you do not properly overwrite the Launcher.exe file. Make sure you first delete the original Launcher.exe file found in the Updox folder before copying the newly downloaded file into that folder.

Background Information

In the interest of keeping the data transmitted between clients and our system, we are removing the ability to send communication over an older, less unsecured transmission protocol called TLS 1.0. Some additional info about TLS 1.0 taken from Microsoft’s informational page on it:

TLS 1.0 is a security protocol first defined in 1999 for establishing encryption channels over computer networks. Microsoft has supported this protocol since Windows XP/Server 2003. While no longer the default security protocol in use by modern OSes, TLS 1.0 is still supported for backwards compatibility. Evolving regulatory requirements as well as new security vulnerabilities in TLS 1.0 provide corporations with the incentive to disable TLS 1.0 entirely.

To protect us, our partners, and the customers they support from potential security attacks and vulnerabilities, we are taking steps to remove these unsecured channels from our allowed communication protocols.